I recently received this from a Canadian collector who had ordered, but not yet received, his remarqued Geoff Hunt print of “The Heavyweight Punch”
“I hope the remarque is consistent with the magnitude of this event in Naval history...”
So I replied:
“When he makes a remarque drawing, Geoff focuses on a particular detail, and the result is a study of one small aspect of the composition. In this case he has depicted one of the great carronades - "smashers" - which he has signed with his initials. So you have the uniqueness of a small original signed sketch combined with the visual impact of the full-size limited edition print. As the carronades were instrumental in the destruction of Bucentaure, the turning point of the battle, one could certainly argue that the remarque is consistent with the magnitude of this event in Naval history.”

You can see all of Geoff Hunt's limited edition prints, on paper with or without remarques, and on canvas, in his Gallery at Art Marine